What to Expect
In 24 weeks you will learn how to overhaul your health. Based on your assessment and main concerns, Cecilia will help you to pinpoint and correct nutritional deficiencies and bad habits, to identify possible allergies and food sensitivities, etc. You will learn how to set realistic goals and reach sustainable results. This program is designed for those who are ready for a complete health overhaul, who can stay committed for a long time in order to achieve sustainable, life long results.
This personalized package is recommended to anyone, who:
- is ready to make a real life change
- is committed for the long haul
- is ready to learn how to build a sustainable, practical lifestyle of balanced eating for health
- is looking to lose weight
- to improve digestion
- to discover and eliminate food allergies/sensitivities
- to reduce body fat and to improve body composition
- to balance hormones
- to increase energy levels
- to regulate sleeping patterns
- to promote healthy pregnancy and improve fertility
With this personalized plan you will be given ample time with Cecilia to help change habits and develop an optimal way of eating for your specific health concerns and goals.
You will have ongoing support, guidance and education for the entire 24 weeks.
This package includes:
- One In-Depth 60-Minute Nutritional Assessment Session
- Seven 30-Minute Follow Up Sessions (Skype or in Person)
- Weekly Goal Setting and Accountability Check-Ins by Phone
- Grocery List and Recipes
- Tips for Meal Planning and Prepping
- Supplement Recommendations
- Six 7-Day Custom Meal Plans with Key Ingredients (adjustments made as needed)
- Handouts and Worksheets
- Lifestyle and Self-Care Recommendations
- And Much More!
Investment: $1,485.00
Please note that all consultation packages must be prepaid. There is payment plan option based on individual circumstances. Please contact Cecilia for details.
*Additional $25 for in-home visits